Your support and donations are key to the success of ECO VIDYA NATURALS. All donations raised go towardsHeal the Earth, Heal your Healthandfuture for our childrenworldwide projects.
Climate Changes poses huge human health risks - reducing fossil fuels dependence helps earth and us
Your support and donations are key to the success of ECO VIDYA NATURALS. All donations raised go towards Heal the Earth, Heal your Health and school projects worldwide which we want to help sustain, helping towards the future of young children.
How your donation can help
We face a public health emergency — and it isn’t Covid-19. WHO has termed climate change as the single biggest health threat facing humanity. As our planet experiences global warming, manifest in rising temperatures, extreme weather and the loss of biodiversity, mirroring symptoms in human health
Teaching our children to care for the earth is integral to teaching compassion. And as future generations work to combat climate change, the planet's health will be front and center in our children's lives.
The inequality in income, wealth, energy consumption, resource use and CO2 emissions between countries and also within societies is enormous. We have to be careful: We know more and more, and at the same time the gap between what we know about the world and what we should do has never been so huge.
ECO VIDYA NATURALS is run by volunteers as this helps us to donation 100% towards community and school projects. We are always seeking for volunteers who want to make a change and be part of ECO VIDYA NATURALS journey.
Why you might want to volunteer
Even though it’s not something you will get paid for, the benefits are actually greater than the money itself. There are several reasons to give your time to support our work:
Utilise your passion and skills to develop the work that we do
Commit to improve the lives of young people
Give something back to your community
Meet new people and discover new opportunities
Improve your skills when undertaking a variety of tasks